Apartman s dvije sobe, klima u cijeni smještaja
Apartman s tri sobe
Apartman u blizini centra s dvije spavače sobe. U apartmanu se nalaze dvije klime na raspolaganju te pomoćni ležaj.
Modern new three bedroom apartment for 5 + 2 persons
Apartman s jednom sobom, dnevni boravak s kaučom kao dodatnim ležajem za max 2 osobe, klima uređaj, parkirno mjesto.
Modern new two bedroom apartment for 4 + 2 persons
Apartman u blizini plaže s dvije sobe
Modern one-room apartment for 2+1 with kitchen, bathroom with shower, terrace with table and chairs. The apartment also has WiFi, air conditioning, TV/Sat and a parking space.
Apartman s tri sobe.
One bedroom apartment for 2+2 with kitchen, bathroom, terrace and parking. Common terrace and grill to use.
Studio apartman, klima u cijeni smještaja
Apartment on the ground floor and near the beach with 3 bedrooms for 6+2 people, bathroom + additional toilet, terrace with sea view + terrace with grill. Dishwasher and washing ..
Cristal blue sea view apartment with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and nice terrace with sea view.
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